‘How are you?’, three words we keep coming back to in Asentiv world.

Yet so often in business we present a façade of how we really feel.  Sometimes we don’t want to let on how we really feel or how business is really doing.  I suppose we’ve all been there and may be there again.

Of late I have been moving away from the formalised notion of Zoom meetings – we probably have plenty of those already don’t you think? – and just picking up the good old-fashioned mobile phone.  I’ve noticed on network meetings when people have been below par or struggling or under stress to deliver and I want to help.  So my instinct is to pick up the phone and call.

Just a simple ‘how are you?’ call helps and making a point of reaching out will stand you in good stead with your network.  Now, when you ask that question most people respond with ‘fine!’ You just need to be brave in going beyond that to find out what’s really going on.  So how can we break that down and get people to share what’s happening in their business/life?  If we can do that, then we might be able to help.

I find that if you have something specific to say it helps.  Something that gets past ‘fine’.

For example:

‘I noticed you weren’t at the network meeting, just checking in to see everything is ok’,


‘I thought you weren’t your usual self…’


‘You said something during the meeting…’


These tend to open up a conversation as to what’s really going on.

If you are a bit nervous of doing that and maybe thinking it’s a bit intrusive, let me assure you.  People will be forever grateful that you lent an ear at the right time.  Sometimes we may not be able to help directly but never underestimate the power of just being there for someone.

They will remember it and the relationship cemented.

My tip this month is for you to make some ‘How are you?’ calls with my added conversation starters.  I find that straight after network meetings is good.  It catches people in the moment, and you can have a really productive discussion.  Just be there.  Be there to listen and resist the temptation to fix immediately (‘solutionising’).  Most of the time people just want to be listened to.

Who in your network wouldn’t appreciate that?

Let me know how you get on with ‘how are you?’ with the added conversation starters above.